The POLL TALK is a new feature, where I will discuss the poll and it's outcome.
I did not see this coming!
The first POLL about the rumored GOONIES SEQUEL revealed a shocking truth: TOO MANY OF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE GOONIES!
This is shocking, as GOONIES is without a question one of the few classics, I thought EVERY PERSON ON EARTH knows. I guess it's a different thing, when you've just not been around when it came out. Maybe if you'd watch it now for the first time, you might wonder, what's so cool about that movie? Well, THE GOONIES came out in December 1985. I was 7 years old. Imagine it trough the eyes of a boy that thinks the greatest thing that could possibly happen in his life is getting a BMX bike for christmas...
The movie was written and produced by STEVEN SPIELBERG and CHRIS COLUMBUS. SPIELBERG had just reached the rank of the most talked about director in Hollywood, after hitting big in the Box Office with E.T. and the first to INDIANA JONES flicks. COLUMBUS on the other hand had huge success with his first flick GREMLINS. Since the INDY flicks where not rated for a younger audiences, they joined forces to create something like an INDY for kids. But not in a bad-let's make 'em sing songs and shoot rainbows out of their belly-way, but in a cool way. THE GOONIES was everything you could dream for if you saw it as kid. It was funny, scary, thrilling, fast, mysterious, adventerous. In short: It was a blast! It made every kid go up to grandpa's attic and search for treasure and secret maps. It made you believe, that deep down, under the house of your weird looking neighbour, there lies a secret passageway to some great cavern that hold truckloads of gold. Or candy.
For those of you, who haven't seen it: I can not guarantee you, that you will love it as much as my generation did, but I guarantee you a hell of a good time and storytelling the oldschool way. RENT IT, BUY IT, FUCK DOWNLOAD IT, I DON'T CARE... BUT WATCH IT.
As for the poll outcome:
Only 13% would love to see a sequel. 36% would rather pass on a sequel, because they fear it would destroy a classic. And 50 fucking % haven't seen the first one.
I think I'm a 13% guy on this one. Reason is: I don't see how even a bad sequel will affect my memories on the first one. It's a win to win situation. If it's cool: YAY.
If not: Who cares?
It's kinda like the recently released LOST BOYS SEQUEL (it's called THE TRIBE, but you really really shouldn't bother with this one...). Of course it's sucked donkey balls, but I still love the first one. I just don't consider the second one a "real" sequel. But maybe... they somehow make GOONIES 2 a great sequel, back to the roots and just like the old one. Maybe they'd do it. And if they'd do, I wouldn't want to miss it. So go on. Make GOONIES 2 and if it sucks, I'll pretend it never happened. Kinda like with MATRIX 3...
Tags: Poll Talk
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Ich bin Jahrgang 90, ich konnte den Film leider nie im Kino bewundern, sondern sah ihn das erste mal im Fernsehen.
Doch dies minderte die Qualität des Filmes keines wegs.
Als ich den Film das erste mal sah war ich begeistert, ein paar ganz normale Kinder finden eine Karte zu einem verborgenen Schatz und es beginnt ein riesiges Abenteuer.
All das was sie erlebt haben war so toll gemacht, das man als kleines Kind, welches ich damals war, wirklich hätte denken können das soetwas einem selber auch passieren kann.
Das einzigste was ich an dem Film nicht mochte war der "anders aussehende" Sohn der Gangsterfamilie, entschuldigung aber mir fällt der Name gerade nicht ein, dies lag aber nicht daran wie er gemacht war oder sich benam, das war wirklich toll, aber als Kind hate ich irgendwie Angst vor ihm.
Naja, zum schluss sei gesagt, das ein zweiter Teil nicht unbedingt etwas schlechtes sein muss, das einzige problem ist eigentlich, das so viele Jahre seit dem ersten Teil vergngen sind und sich Reggieseure nach so einer langen Zeit oft denken, das sie einen neuen Teil mit supertollen Specialeffekten und Bluescreen-Szenen machen könnten nur weil die moderne Technik es erlaubt.
Allerdings sieht man ja, das Auch der erste Goonie ganz ohne Bluescreen und Computeranimationen ausgekommen ist und ich hoffe das bei einem neuen Film eher zur Art des Filmemachens gegriffen wird wie man es früher gemacht hat.